
Currently this package is not available on the PythonPackageIndex (PyPI).


kescher is still under heavy development. Even the stable versions are not fit for production use yet!

kescher is developed with and for Python3.8. It might work in older versions. Incompatibility with Python versions <3.8 will not be fixed and not considered bugs!


Install Python3.8 with your favourite package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment helper such as virtualenv.

$ mkvirtualenv kescher

Installation with poetry is desired. Therefore you have to install it via pip.

$ pip install poetry

Stable Version

The latest stable version can be optained by using the releases tab on github. Fetch the latest zip file and extract it.

Latest Version

Obtain the latest version from github, by cloning the repository:

$ git clone


After cloning the repository change your directory to it and install kescher:

$ poetry install